
作者:奥鹏作业答案 字体:[增加 减小] 来源:国家开放大学 时间:2022-11-08 12:02

单元自测5(10分) 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 1. Havent seen you for ages. What are you busy doing now? ____________ A.Yes ,long time no see. B.Yeah, thanks for coming. C.I am working part time in




试卷总分:100  得分:100
1.— Haven't seen you for ages. What are you busy doing now?
— ____________
A.Yes ,long time no see.
B.Yeah, thanks for coming.
C.I am working part time in a bookstore.
2.— Over-the-top? You mean…
— ____________
A.Well, sometimes your co-workers feel that you are too loud.
B.No, I don't.
C.Thanks a lot.
3.At a rough ________, we will take another four weeks to finish this plan.
4.Good work ________ good pay.
5.Wendy suggests that we ________ tomorrow.
A.shall go
B.should go
C.will go
 Performance Management and Performance Appraisal
   Performance management aims to acknowledge employee achievements, support their personal and professional development, and motivate and empower them to perform their work effectively. ?Performance management helps employees to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the achievement of the enterprise's goals and gain personal and job satisfaction. It is a vital part of any quality human resource system.
   Every enterprise wants and should expect high performance from each employee.The elements of a competency-based performance management system will, if implemented well, enable high performance which will define enterprise and personal success. Using performance management processes, an enterprise can be better placed to meet competitive challenges. This is done by:
   ●identifying the critical positions
   ●determining the most important competencies for those positions
   ●providing the education, training and feedback required by employees
   ●holding each person accountable for their results
   The key to the performance management process is ‘performance appraisal'. Performance appraisal is simply an evaluation of how well an employee performs his or her job compared to a set of predetermined standards. It is a systematic process of feedback on an employee's work performance, and agreement to future training plans, job goals and job aspirations.
   To be effective, a performance appraisal needs to have a set of agreed criteria that will be the basis of feedback as well as of setting future goals. Units of competency provide a very effective tool for setting benchmarks or criteria for work performance. The performance criteria within units of competency can be used as measures to assess against in a performance appraisal or review.
  Performance management is a very important part of any quality human resource system.   1   
 2. The aim of performance management is to punish the unqualified employees.   2   
 3. An enterprise can be better placed to meet competitive challenges by providing the education, training and feedback required by employees, for example.   3   
 4. Every enterprise can expect high performance from each employee.   4   
 5. “Performance management” is also called “performance appraisal”.   5


国开22年春《管理英语4》Unit 1 形考成绩_单元自测1(10分)[答案]

试卷总分:100    得分:100


1.— I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months.


—__________. We've been working hard, but still getting behind.

A.You're right

B.I'm afraid

C.?I don’t think so



2.— Could you give us a speech on management functions some day this week? 


A.That'a good idea

B.No, I already have plans

C.I'd love to, but I'm busy this week



3.The responsibilities in handbook ______ that managers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness in the work process.






4.______ managers spend most of their time in face-to-face contact with others, but they spend much of it obtaining and sharing information.

A.Not only

B.Do not only

C.Not only do



5.?AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were ______ to be promoted into management jobs.

A.more likely

B.more like

C.more unlikely



6.二、 阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误( 共 50分)。  


 Who Killed Nokia? 


   Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smartphone pyramid with three factors: 1) that Nokia was technically inferior to Apple, 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn't see the disruptive iPhone coming. 

    It has also been argued that it was none of the above. Nokia lost the smartphone battle because of divergent shared fears among the company's middle and top managers which led to company-wide inertia that left it powerless to respond to Apple's game. 

    Based on the findings of an in-depth investigation and 76 interviews with top and middle managers, engineers and external experts, the researchers discovered a culture of fear due to temperamental leaders and that frightened middle managers were scared of telling the truth. 

    The fear that froze the company came from two places. First, the company's top managers had a terrifying reputation. Some members of Nokia's board and top management were described as “extremely temperamental” and they regularly shouted at people “at the top of their lungs”. It was very difficult to tell them things they didn't want to hear. Secondly, top managers were afraid of the external environment and not meeting their quarterly targets, which also impacted how they treated middle managers. 

   Top managers thus made middle managers afraid of disappointing them. Middle managers were told that they were not ambitious enough to meet top managers' goals.

   Fearing the reactions of top managers, middle managers remained silent or provided optimistic, filtered information. Thus, middle managers directly lied to top management.

    Worse, a culture of status inside Nokia made everyone want to hold onto vested power for fear of resources being allocated elsewhere if they delivered bad news or showed that they were not bold or ambitious enough to undertake challenging assignments. 

    Beyond verbal pressure, top managers also applied pressure for faster performance in personnel selection. This led middle managers to over promise and under deliver. One middle manager told us that “you can get resources by promising something earlier, or promising a lot. It's sales work.” 

    While modest fear might be healthy for motivation, abusing it can be like overusing a drug, which risks generating harmful side effects. To reduce this risk, leaders should coordinate with the varied emotions of the staff. Nokia's top managers should have encouraged safe dialogue, internal coordination and feedback to understand the true emotion in the organization. 



  操作提示:正确 选 T , 错误选 F 。  



1. ?Nokia lost the smartphone battle because its technology is not as good as that of Apple.



2. ?Nokia's middle managers were frank to tell the truth, but the top ones didn't listen to them.



3. ?Nokia's top managers were too moody to hear anything good but harsh.



4. ?Middle managers in Nokia delivered results more than they promised earlier.



5. ?Nokia's top managers should have had better conversation techniques to encourage internal coordination and truth.





















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下列属于个体评价方法中的事实记录法的是( )。

猪喘气病的主要物质征性病理变化是( )

Your full cooperation in this respect will be highly____.



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3、项目建设规模  4、市场预测 



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常见的或有事项主要包括( )。


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